I feel that all of our honest, real friends are our soul mates. They are a handful of people
out of 7 billion we choose to share experiences and parts of ourselves with.
I love the phrase soul mates- it makes me think of 2 souls just chilling and grabbing coffee, it's a funny thought but a damn sweet one.
Here's a few things my soul mates give me:
is the youngest of my friends but years beyond her age, we share a love for chocolate and she could be a millionaire and not want to buy a bus ticket!! There is never a dull moment because her energy is so positive. You are so beautiful and don't need to change a thing so just accept it!!
Such a strong woman, not just with her titles and records in weightlifting but her spirit and attitude to life, she wants something she will go and get it. She has done things that I'm not sure I could and for that there is so much respect! Her self confidence does have it's downfall but you know you'll always get an honest opinion;)
Taught me what a friend was, loyal to the last bone and fiercely protective. We are completely the opposite but exactly the same... She is caring and soft and stubborn but I hope she sees and loves herself as we do! Chase your passion , own it and be the true babe you are.
is so easy to be with, she honestly doesn't care who you are or where you're from. This one has introduced me to new ways of living which I am forever grateful for. You've become awfully soppy in your old age but I'm just about used to it; oh and stop panicking because you are going to be so much more than fine.
The most important thing for me to remember if that no friendship or person (including myself) is perfect. Once you wholly accept this, and get rid of expectations and stop trying to change people, then friends can become soulmates.
Thank you to every one of my friends (some I haven't mentioned) for accepting me exactly as I am and for being exactly who you are.