Friday, 21 October 2016

Smiles All Round

Babies can start 'happy-smiling' (from emotion) when they are 4-6 weeks old. Thought to be a reflex or a trait learned socially, either way this small gesture can mean the world from the right person. Next time you see your mum smile, notice her heart warm through her eyes and when your friend laughs until she cries, notice in that moment she has forgotten everything except joy. Or the couple in a coffee shop who smile only for each other. Feel your own cheeks ache when around those you love. And remember that when your day is difficult or dull, someone, somewhere is having the best day of their lives. And that these days forget no one. The only cure for the evils of this world is compassion, laughter, love and smiles :)

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

The Silent Treatment

I used to avoid silence, I felt uncomfortable in it. Maybe because it meant I was alone for that moment or because it allowed my own thoughts to be louder- which almost always meant I criticized every part of my life! Now though, I often crave silence throughout my day and seek it when I can. Usually through quiet lunches or dog walks in the woods, I'm really beginning to explore my introverted side which I used to try and ignore. Enjoying silence or my own company doesn't mean I don't enjoy the company of others and I certainly could not cope without the companionship of my friends and family!! But it means I can recover and recharge during busy, stressful days and hear my quiet, happy thoughts that get lost in the bustle of the day. I don't know how this change happened, but it was gradual. The more I experienced silence, the more I used it - to train my mind to focus on what was around me at that moment or what I could be grateful for right there. I think sometimes we confuse silence and just sitting as procrastination but now I think it actually helps me to be more productive.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

A Welcome Back to Myself

This blog has been very neglected recently. In fact, i haven't written anything this year at all. It's safe to say I have been lacking in motivation in all aspects of my life if I'm honest... It might be that the dark, cold winter mornings and nights have left me with no energy, or I'm just in a bit of a funk. However, something I saw last week has had my mind-a-racing and I think it may have given me back some much needed mojo! "He Named Me Malala" is the film biography of Malala Yousafzai- terror attack survivor, defender of women globally, the youngest receiver of the Nobel Peace Prize, oh and my absoloute herione! Get to know more here:

The film took me out of my own life for a while and got me thinking of bigger things. Her bravery and kindness has left such good in the world, and so I am inspired. In this year of change for me, I have decided to be brave. Whether I am sure of what I am doing or not (I'm not) I will grab it with both hands and kick it's ass!
I would like to thank Malala for being a constant inspiration and motivation, and a light in a sometimes dull world.