Thursday 20 August 2015

The power of 'what if?'

'What if' is usually the start of panic and worry, the start of self doubt and how you talk yourself out of everything and anything! 

But what if not?

Whilst we spend our lives worrying about how things will turn out and if we've done the right thing, our lives are still unfolding and more often than not our fears don't come true. However by then we've missed the experience; it passed us in our state of worry. So if we say 'what if this goes wrong?' and it does then I guess we're prepared for it, but if it doesn't then the thoughts and anxiety were a waste of time and energy!

When I first started this blog the usual doubt came with it, what if people don't read it? What if people DO read it? What if my writing is terrible? I kept it a complete secret from everyone I knew and the only person who had read it was a stranger from South America (shout out to whoever you are!) Anyway when my Instagram account accidentally linked to my facebook and people I knew found out... cue absolute meltdown!! Instead of my worst fears though, I had lovely feedback and was thankful for this accidental push I needed. A couple months of secrecy and an hour of sheer panic was so unnecessary and I should have just enjoyed the experience of writing without what ifs. 

Just let things happen and deal with them if they go wrong or change course, it's fine not to have everything figured out. So when you find yourself asking what if, also ask what if not? It takes away the power of 'what if'.

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